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Southwest Crimes Against Children Conference 


The Second Annual Southwest Crimes Against Children Conference will again bring together representatives from law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, child and victim advocates, social workers and members of the court in a collaborative conference setting to share best practices and knowledge, and receive training in new aspects of the law, investigative techniques, protocols and prosecutorial approaches to improve the prosecution and judicial handling of cases of child abuse and neglect in New Mexico. Due to the overwhelming response to our first year, we have expanded the conference from two to three days. The conference will be held at the Santa Ana Star Casino and Hotel in Bernalillo, NM.

OCTOBER 15,16,17, 2024

Each attendee must register individually.
We cannot accept Group Registrations.

The underlying belief of this free three-day conference is that a collaborative approach to cases from investigation to prosecution including practical and interactive instruction can only result in better outcomes, especially for the victims. Knowledge sharing, training, and education amongst all those invested in the process will result in the improvement of the investigative process, prosecution, and judicial handling of these cases. The conference will include hands-on workshops, case studies, panel discussion round tables on cultural competence and differences*, and plenaries focused on improving understanding and awareness in the handling of criminal child abuse cases, with the guiding force being to reduce trauma for the young victims.


* The conference is eligible for New Mexico Bar CLE Accreditation for Prosecutors and DPS Biennium credits for Law Enforcement. 


NOTE: Online Booking is No Longer Available. The block of rooms at the rate of $121 have been sold out. To see if there are additional rooms you must call the hotel Sales Department directly. If they have availability they will add you. Please call Karen in the Sales Department 505-337-2046 and mention the Group Code # BKG370 to receive the special rate. RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY OCTOBER 1, 2024.

This conference is free and open to all who work directly with child victims of crime, especially those who are involved in the prosecution and investigation of these crimes.





Santa Ana Star Casino and Hotel

54 Jemez Canyon Dam Road, Bernalillo, NM

8:00am – 5:00pm  / all three days


Check in and registration begins from 4:00-7:00pm October 15.​


The Keynote Speaker this year will be Eliza Sultan, the author of Children on the Frontlines of Justice. the story of two young children who bravely testify against a family member at his criminal trial.

Eliza Sultan is a writer, legislative advocate and self-proclaimed pain-in-the-activist. Ms. Sultan is the mother of two and works as a constituent advocate in a U.S. Congressional Office.
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